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Saturday, August 11, 2012

SC Intelligentsia Grill Eggs on Piggly Wiggly Pavement

Elvis Presley, 1973 Aloha From Hawaii televisi...
Elvis Presley, 1973 Aloha From Hawaii television broadcast (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you'd just watch an episode of ”The Flintstones,” then you'd KNOW them Scientists just made up all this Evolution junk, same as they made up all this Global Warming stuff.

Hell, I remember back in '77 when Elvis died, IT wuz HOT, I tell ya, I KNOW cause Aunt Earline passed out right there in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot.

It was SO hot that them eggs that fell from her grocery bag, cracked open and started cookin' right there on the asphalt. TV-13 happened to come over and film the whole thing, someone even threw a slice of cheese on top of the eggs and it all cooked up like a cheese omelet right there on the steamin’ pavement. 

And now they are all home-schooling themselves with unkie-daddy slobbering out southern phonetically-based spellin' lessons, so that they TOO, can someday scrawl misspelled words across poster paper with Magic Markers, then frenetically flail and froth about while they march around in circles for the TV folks.

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No Foolin'- THEY are Home Schoolin'

Now they are all home-schooling themselves with unkie-daddy slobbering out southern phonetically-based spellin' lessons, so that they TOO, can someday scrawl misspelled words across poster paper with Magic Markers, then frenetically flail and froth about while they march around in circles for the TV folks.

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