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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sunday Night Late

She waited for Shyla to get back from the Zippy Mart. Those batteries gonna cost $5 or more, but we got no choice, she thought. It's gonna be a long time before the power comes back on and it's hard to get around without any light. We should be able to listen to the radio maybe pick up the weather forecast or something. The storm is supposed to hit Georgetown,Myrtle Beach, or Charleston and how bad it gets here will depend on exactly where it hits. It could skirt the coast and hit the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Cape Hatteras usually gets hit but it could come here.


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Friday, July 10, 2009


Hot, sticky, black, stillness swallowed this small southern town. He’d smiled and joked with the lady as he asked her about the hay for sale on her farm. She told the stranger he’d have to talk to her husband because she had to go into town. The tall stranger grinned and followed her to the front door of her house. She did remember that he was tall and the truck he drove was tan or brown or gold with a sticker on the bumper. Now it was dark and a crowd gathered across town while sheriff’s deputies strung yellow crime-scene tape around the yard and house.

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sunday Everning

No need to hurry, I thought, as I surveyed the dark water. It would take another 6 or 7 hours of steady rain before the muddy water began to seep under my front door and another day or more before it reached the top of the stairs. I decided to meander into the kitchen and get a cold Pabst Blue Ribbon out of the fridge. I popped the top and leaned against the bar. I was glad that I'd stocked up on beer when I did. Can't buy beer from anywhere 'cept bootleggers on Sunday anyway.

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